Ultra. Involver sponge

26,5 х 15,5 cm


Volume11.4 PV

Price17.60 EUR

This sponge is made based on the Involver innovative thread, in which an ultrathin split micro­fiber repeatedly winds around the core of a tough villus – a "scrub". This technology significantly boosts the fabric’s serviceability and wear-­resistance and ensures its supe­riority over traditional microfiber in a va­riety of functional parameters. Due­ to its special triple cut, which allows the product to take different shapes, the sponge is easy­ to use and helps achieve the best­ cleaning results.  Designed to remove any and all dirt, including stub­born stains, grime, and grease, it resto­res an impeccable image to the surface and doesn’t leave­ scratches or lint.
